Friday 17 May 2013

Upset stomach............ ???

I know you feel really embarrassed when you have to tell some one that you have to cancel your plans yet again because of your upset stomach....... their faces with their shrinked nose comes into your mind......

All you imagine is how you react when someone tells you have are having loose motion ..... and now how you are busy in replacing the term "loose motion" with some not so embarrassing term.....

Same situation Anju was in when she had to cancel her dinner plans with her college friends...... yet again ..

Just to avoid their comments she had to say her mom was not well and that she has to stay home just to take care of her as no one was home that night..

Flash back.....
She has been really happy cause of the weight loss in last 3 months....

she did not had to do much ..... all she could recall was as soon as her job started .... she could not eat properly..... she use to feel heavy after a small meal......

Stomach cramps were more frequent than a weekend .... but job stress does cause all these don't they .... well that was what she thought.

Back to present......
This time a cousin was visiting Anju and her family when she had to cancel her plans for dinner..

Sitting in TV room with her mother and her cousin Mani ..... there normal chatting became embarrassing for her when her cousin sarcastically said " Anju you have lost so much weight in just three months...... don't lie to me atleast ..... tell me whatz the secret ".

And her mother started her regular nagging saying ...."she don't eat much these days..... and whatever she eats half of the time she throws out in less than 30 mins and if by chance she does not throws out chances are high that she will have loose motions....... you see her stomach is not that strong....... she has less immunity than a 3 years old child ... but what to do she don't do anything I say....." and so on she went..

And this conversation ended when Anju thought that she has had enough for the day..... Her mother's nagging has been growing day by day.....

what started off as a pleasant experience due to weight loss has turned into a horrible situation as she has to face such situations every now n then ..

In few months situation became worse and now she could not even think of going out to eat anything...

And when she fainted in her office was when she was took to see a doctor.....

Her family doctor always told her from her childhood to eat healthy ... as she fell sick more frequently than other children off her age...... so her falling sick from last few months was not a surprise for Anju..

But this time when she was taken to a hospital near her office..... after knowing the whole story doctor ordered Anju to get few tests done....

Anju was later informed that she had colorectal cancer... that her cancer has already spread throughout her body and is now incurable... and she had atmost 3 months to live ......

Among girls weight loss expected or unexpected is always welcomed warmly .......

Even unexpected weight loss is never mentioned to anyone ..... and this could prove suicidal.
As unexpected weight loss, frequent upset stomach or stomach cramps could be signs of colorectal cancer....

If noticed within reasonable time could save someones life .....

Every single person I know has a loved one (either spouse, mother, father,mother-in-law, father-in-law, sister, brother or brother-in-law, nephew, niece) who has cancer. I came to know more about these symptoms when my own beloved grand father (my baba) was diagnosed with lung cancer. Its frightening.

And that was when his doctor said its not only you guys, most of the people ignore signs ....... simple signs ...... that warns you of forecoming danger.

Signs as simple as frequent upset stomach says a lot ......... but you need to a ready to listen to it.

According to WHO India is among countries having highest cancer rate.... people feel safe just after purchasing an insurance policy.... they do not realize that insaurance will provide them with finance if they fall sick, but insaurance policy will not cure them from an incurable disease....

So The moral of the story is to every person should be educated about symptoms a human boy shows when not well.......So that diseases could be diagnosed and cured in time .

This post is an entry for My Healthy Speak Blog

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